The world´s greatest reigning stupendous unknown champion number 1
Other media ranking list
Ministry attention
Summa summarum
World champions (15) and world championship medals (27)
- water running (1) and medals (1)
- wife carrying (8) and medals (19)
- iron bar walking (1) and medals (1)
- bog snorkelling (1) and medals (1)
- kicksled (2) and medals (2)
- field ice fishing (2) and medals (3)
Other world championship medals
- running 200m (1)
Finnish champions (26) and Finnish championship medals (46)
- wife carrying (1) and medals (1)
- winter swimming (2) and medals (6)
- running 100-400m (20) and medals (33)
- rowing (1) and medals (1)
- snowshoe running (5) and medals (8)
Other countries champions (17) and championship medals (27)
- Estonia (5) and medals (12)
- German (1) and medals (1)
- Great Britain (1) and medals (2)
- North America (2) and medals (2)
- Ukraine (1) and medals (2)
- Texas (1) and medals (1)
- Poland (1) and medals (1)
- Florida (3) and medals (4)
- China (2) and medals (2)
Other championship (4)
- Fear factor (supermen)
- Live with Kelly and Michael - show
- pint pushing
- gimma-carrying (the city of Helsinki woman-carrying)
World recordtimes
- water running in 50m
- wife carrying in 100m
Nordic recordtime (running)
- 4*200m
Finnish recordtime (running)
- 100m (2011)
- 400m (2019)
- 4*100m
- 4*400m
- swedish relay (100+200+300+400m)
Other records
- The world's greatest reigning stupendous unknown champions number 1
- fastest Finn 1998-2013 (16 years) and 2016- (wife carrying)
- oldest world champion (wife carrying)
- the most of WC-competition medals (wife carrying)
- only person, who has won WC-competition 3 times in row (wife carrying)
- World champion 5th place 2001
- Finnish champion 2017 2rd place (free style) and 3rd place (breaststroke)
Eukonkanto / Wife carrying ("wife" Kristina Haapanen 2007-2017, Katja Kovanen 2019-) results + photos
- World champion 2009, 2010, 2011,2012, 2013, 2017, 2022, 2023 and many other WC-medals (the most of WC-competition medals in Wife carrying history and the only person, who has won 3 times in row)
- Poland champion 2017 with Virpi Immonen
- Ukraine champion 2015 (Lviv)
- Florida champion 2018 and 2019 with Mia Shaughnessy, 2020 with Katja Kovanen
- Texas champion 2015 (Houston)
- China champion 2019 (both competition: under and over 40 years old) with Katja Kovanen
- Fastest Finn 1998-2013 (16 years) and 2016-
Year 2012: Winner in Estonia (double), World championship competition, Great-Britain/World alternative games, North America and Live`with Kelly and Michael
- 2 times has lose world champion with 0,1 s (2004 and 2019)
- Green card 1990
Hiihto / Skiing
- Finlandia-skiing 1987 (75 km)
Juoksu / Running
- Finnish champion 2nd place 2012 100 m
- Finnish champion 3rd place 2012 200 m (hall + outdoor)
- World champion 2nd place 200m relay 2012 (1:38.80, new nordic record)
- Finnish champion 2012 relays 4*100m 49,19, 4*400m 3,53,81 and swedish relay (100+200+300+400m) 2,15,46 (all are new finnish records).
- Finnish champion 2014 relays 4*100m, 4*400m and swedish relay (100+200+300+400m)
- Finnish champion 2014 3rd place 60m
- Finnish champion 2015 relay 4*400m, 2rd place swedish relay (1000m) and 4*100m
- Finnish champion 2017 3 rd place 200m
- Finnish champion 2018 relay 4*100, 4*400m and swedish relay (100+200+300+400)
- Finnish champion 2019 400m
- Finnish champion 2020 200m, 2rd place 60m and 400m
- Finnish champion 2020 relay 4*100m, swedish relay (1000m) and 4*400m
- Finnish champion 2nd place 2020 100, 200 and 400m
- Finnish champion 2022 relay 4*100m, swedish relay (1000m) (Finnish record time) and 4*400m
- Finnish champion 2023 relay 4*100m, swedish relay (1000m) and 4*400m
- 150 m 18,79 (kauden kärkiaika Suomessa M45-sarjassa)
- 400 m 57,26 (ensimmäinen 400m:n juoksu)
Record 2019
- 100m 12,62 (only competition). Suomen kaikkien aikojen juoksutilaston sijalla 32
- 200m 25,41 (only competition). Suomen kaikkien aikojen juoksutilaston sijalla 16
- 400m 57,19 (kauden 4 kärkiaikaa Suomessa M50-sarjassa). Suomen kaikkien aikojen juoksutilaston sijalla 19
Kalastus / Fishing / Peltopilkki / Field ice fishing / magneettikalastus / magnet fishing
- f.ex. Gulf of Mexico
- World champion 2nd place 2019 (field ice fishing)
- World champion 2020 and 2021 (field ice fishing)
Kuntosali / Gym
Laskettelu / lautailu / Downhill skiing / snowboard
- f.ex. Åre
Laskuvarjohyppy / Parachuting
- Parachute Course and licensing 1986
Lumikenkäjuoksu / Lumikenkäily / Snowshoe running
- Finnish champion 2010, 2011 and 2012 (400 m sprint) and 2nd place 2011 ja 2012 (cross country 6,7 km)
- Finnish champion 2014 (400m) yleinen sarja ja 2nd place (6 km) yleinen sarja
Meidän isä on parempi kuin teidän isä / My dad is better than your dad
- Tasks: winner in alphabet soup, bird hunting and grill competition. In additional pipelined
- Finnish fastest time in alphabet soup 2010
Norsupallo / Elephantball tournament
- Elephantball world championship competition 2012 and 2014 (not in competition meaning)
Pallo- ja mailapelit / Ballplays
- Junior football and -handball in GrIFK
- Squash and badminton
Potkukelkkailu / Kicksled
- World champion 2014 (1000m and relay 3*1000m)
Rautakankikävely / Iron bar walking
- World champion 2012 (relay)
- Sauna world championship competition 2009 (not in competition meaning)
Soutu / melonta / Rowing / canoeing
- Vastasoutukilpailu - Counter-Boat competition (boat rowing in different directions)
- Students Finnish champion 2010 in chuch boat rowing (sprint 1,5 km)
Sukellus / Diving
- diving lisence CMAS 1989
Suojuoksu / Ditch racing
- Great-Britain champion 2nd place
Suopotkupallo / Swamp soccer
- Swamp soccer world championship competition 2011 (not in competition meaning)
Suosnorklaus / Bog snorkelling
- World champion 2012
Suomen pelkokerroin / Fear factor
- The winner of supermen 2009: tasks: body bag, eating pizza and ruler of the jungle (viidakon valtias) page 8-
- sport: running, cycling, orienteering, 50 kg log carrying (2,5 km) and log sawing 1996
Vaellus / Hiking- Wilderness hiking (erävaellus)
Finnish championship competition 2006 ja 2012 (not in competition meaning)
- Norway 2024 Galdhøpiggen 2469m
Valokuvaus / Photographing
- Studio lighting basics Course 2012
Vesijuoksu / Water running
- World champion 2004 (50 m)
- World recordtime (over 35 years old)
Äijänkärräys (women pushed guys with a cart)
- World championship competition 2010 Winner of pint pushing competition (tuopintyöntökisa) 2010
World champion 2004 (water running)
Winner 2009 (Fear Factor: superman): "That`s it"
World champion 2009 (wife carrying)
World champion 2010 (wife carrying)
World champion 2011 (wife carrying)
World champion 2012 (wife carrying)
World champion 2012 (iron bar walking)
World champion 2012 (bog snorkelling)
Finnish representative in World alternative games 2012
(wife carrying + ditch racing)
Finnish representative in North American wife carrying competition 2012 and 2013
Live ! with Kelly and Michael - show competition 2012
World champion 2013 (wife carrying)
World champion 2017 (wife carrying)
World champion 2022 (wife carrying)
World champion 2023 (wife carrying)
World champion 2014 (kicksled)